In a global study in 2000, Finnish students were first in reading. In 2003 they led in math. By 2006 they were first in science.
- They didn’t start children in school until age 7.
- They don’t assign homework to younger students.
- They don’t separate students who are struggling or learning differently.
- They don’t spend as much per student as we do; they spend 30% less.
- Students don’t attend school as many hours as their American counterparts.
- They don’t give grades in elementary school.
- They don’t test students for the first 6 years.
- They don’t use standardized testing until age 16 and then only once.
- Teachers don’t spend as many hours in the classroom as American teachers – only 4 hours per day on average.
- Teachers participate in 2 hours of staff development per week.
- Elementary students get 75 minutes of recess per day.
- They cap science classes at 16 students to allow hands-on learning.
- Teachers are selected from the top tier of college graduates.
- Experienced teachers out earn other college graduates.
What are your thoughts?